





About Us

The public organization "Initiative E+" was born during the Revolution of Dignity – as an association of Maidan doctors.

Since the beginning of Russia's war against Ukraine in 2014, the CSO "Initiative E+" has been involved in helping military medics. Saving lives was, is and always will be our highest priority. Tactical medicine, civilian medicine, assistance in treating the wounded, provision of medical equipment to hospitals and ambulances for military and civilians throughout Ukraine, sanitary jeeps for medical evacuation – all this has become our daily work since 2014 until today.

Also, social projects aimed at the future – our favorite "children's projects" – have always been extremely important to us. Since 2015, "Initiative E+" has been organizing rehabilitation camps in the Carpathians and abroad for the children of the front-line villages of Donbas, as well as for the children of the dead and seriously wounded defenders of Ukraine.

With the help of donors, "Initiative E+" purchased two premises for family-type houses in the east of Ukraine.

Since 2014, the volunteers of the organization have been providing material assistance and social support to the families of the dead, seriously wounded, deceased defenders, as well as to families in need.

With the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, "Initiative E+" became involved in providing medical personnel and the population with personal protective equipment, as well as providing free oxygen concentrators to post-covid and palliative patients.

With the start of russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, "Initiative E+" refocused on helping the frontline, the military, and civilians most affected by the war. To date, we have delivered and handed 500 vehicles to the medics, including more than 150 ambulances and 75 large buses most of which were transformed into mobile hospitals.
In the fierce winter of 2022-23, the "Initiative E+" was actively engaged in the search, purchase, and supply of equipment that helps survive power, heat, and communication outages. Hundreds of generators have been transferred to medical and children's institutions: from super-powerful ones to household ones.
Medical equipment worth about UAH 50 million was purchased and transferred to the hospitals. Tons of medical and other necessary goods were delivered to the needy.
Also, NGO "Initiative E+" continues to take care of children from forcibly displaced families and those who have lost their parents.
You can join in helping with one or more of the organization's main areas of work


Since the beginning of russia's aggression against Ukraine, we have been taking care of children affected by the war. We have built two family-type children's homes and every year we organize summer camps for children from families that suffered from military actions. Permanent areas of our activities are humanitarian aid and the "Laptops for Children" program. Help Ukrainian children!

For Support of Families

Since the beginning of russia's war against Ukraine, we have been taking care of entire families: families of our dead and seriously wounded defenders, families with many children who lost their homes and property, etc. Join in helping those who need it the most!

To help displaced people and victims

Millions of Ukrainians are suffering from the war that russia wages against the world. We are trying to help both forced migrants and those who remain in difficult conditions in Kherson, Kharkiv, Sumy, Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Join to help!


We are engaged in both tactical and civilian medicine – from providing soldiers on the front lines with individual first-aid kits and means for evacuation to equipment and medicines for hospitals throughout Ukraine, where the wounded are treated. We also provide supplies of rare medical drugs and equipment necessary for the survival of vulnerable categories […]


Ukraine needs any means of survival this year. Due to the terrorist actions of russia, which is purposefully destroying our civilian infrastructure, we urgently need generators, batteries, power banks, any autonomous heaters and means of heating. Help us survive and win!

For Drones

Drones have become a critically important tool for the defense of Ukraine against the russist invasion. They are important not only for victory, but also for saving lives. Let's buy them together!

For First Aid Kits & Other Tacmed

Our defenders are our priority. Since 2014, we have been doing everything we can to help save lives on the front lines, as well as to restore wounded soldiers. Join this noble mission!

For thermal imagers

Thermal imagers are needed on the front line! The closer the counteroffensive, the more urgent this need. We receive requests for these devices on a daily basis. Thermal imagers are extremely important in order not only to destroy the enemy, but also - most importantly - to save the lives of our defenders. That is why we are opening this very important initiative. Join in!

For Cars' Repair

Cars for the front line of the war, which Russia has been waging against Ukraine since 2014, are our specialty. Foreign partners often help us in the purchase of these vehicles, but there is a constant lack of funds for repairs. At the same time, the needs of the front are only growing, it is necessary to prepare imported cars for operation in critical conditions as soon as possible. Help us fill this need!


Since 2014, "Initiative E+" has been supporting the heroic defenders of Ukraine on the front lines. First of all, we are engaged in the supply of vehicles for the front – from cars for medical evacuation to transport for other needs. We also supply our fighters with optics, equipment and much more necessary to maintain combat capability. Want to get involved? Invest in our Victory!
Requisites for support from abroad
тис. UAH
тис. USD
тис. EUR

Requisites for support from abroad:

Потрібна допомога EN

Our Team

Valentyna Varava

Directions: cars for the front and ambulances for hospitals, medical equipment, optics for the military, generators for civilians. Our Perpetuum Mobile and the source of energy for the entire team.

Iryna Savchenko

Humanitarian aid, aid to the wounded, work with hospitals, aid to the military, social aid – a perfect communicator, who gets impossible discounts on our purchases, and lives with a phone in his ear.

Maksym Gurbych

Tactical medicine ('the very evil tactic medic 😉) + Internet, Starlinks, optics, laptops for children, computers for the military, all IT and strategic tasks.

Hennadii Dovhoruk

Our "Tech Officer" is the head of technical issues, knowing all about how to repair cars, generators, heaters, and whatever else, and also our part-time guardian angel. He knows the answers to all questions, and he does not know what is rest.

Tetiana Gryschenko

Accountant, or rather Accountant-with-a-capital-letter, who did the impossible: sorted out our payments/acts from February '22, put financial documents in order. The main person in the team, because she is the guarantee of our financial peace.

Olena Knyazieva

Our "rear deputy officer" and book_keeper, documents/folders/information search – Olena provides at least some order in our hurricane office.

Volodymyr Pundyk

One of the oldest members of the team, the main driver, the planning of all trips around Ukraine and abroad is on him. A virtuoso player of "volunteer Tetris" – if you know what we mean. 😉

Anna Pavlenko

Responsible for the humanitarian stocks: provides everything necessary for those who need help. Anna's nickname "Nimble" says it all.

Olena Dementyeva

For a long time, the "E+ Initiative" did a lot, but didn't talk much about it. Now there is someone to post at least part of what is happening on the website and in the organization's social networks.

Марина Красота

A fantastic woman: she is responsible for the search and selection of cars for the Armed Forces in Europe, puzzles salespeople with her knowledge of mechanics, diagnoses problems with the rear strut of a car by sound.

Oleksandr Panov

A universal driver that has all possible driving categories – except for airplanes and trams. Always ready to leave by any means of transport to any part of the world.

Denys Zaid

Zen embodied, always very attentive, always very calm and ready to help people.

Viktor Mamaiev

A tireless fail-safe driver + all communications on wheels + our warehouse.

Vasyl Zvarych

Vasyl Zvarych is our constant and super responsible agent in Lviv. All border logistics, all repairs, all transfers are at Vasyl's. Super reliable team player.

Ihor "Kambrils" Kozlov joined the team of drivers and became an integral part of the team. "Drive a car from one place to another? I'll be there in an hour!". Always reliable, positive, ready to lend a hand.

